Peter Sagar's Sans AIDS: For Lovers of Pavement or Those that Wish Interpol was Still Cool
Sans AIDS is a lo-fi noise rock act from Edmonton, Canada (although I do believe Mr. Sagar relocated to Montreal at some point...) that has been active since 2009. The band seems to vary from one to three members with Peter Sagar being the only constant performer; in fact, many critics have described the project as a solo act. After several recordings and a few tours, Sagar’s project is rightfully getting the attention of critics and fans alike. I’ve had a hard time, however, tracking this group’s discography; most of their releases have been 7”s, splits, and tapes, which makes it difficult. My first encounter with their music was the 2010 six song tape release, Loaners (Bart Records). It’s a wonderful, short, minimalist pop album that begs many comparisons. There is an obvious Pavement influence, for instance, but I also hear post rock elements in the style of Lungfish or Slint. Dare I say I hear similarities to early Interpol here as well. If that turns you off, then ignore that last statement. One blog in the digital sphere of information described Sagar’s music as Lo-Fi slacker pop. I like that; this guy does exude vibes of slacker-imbued tranquility. In fact, this is best listened to on the couch at noon in one’s underwear when there’s better, more important things to be done that day. I have a feeling Sagar would have it no other way. Here’s the opening track of the tape release, Loaners; it’s called “Stoop”:
That’s a great song, but the album’s strongest moment is the track, “forklift.” I cannot figure out for the life of me how to attach the song link here, so here’s the bandcamp link for the entire album, Sample Sans AIDS "Loaners". One can listen to the entire release at the linked website, but make a point to listen to the song, “forklift.” Trust me; it’s catchy. YouTube had little to offer for samples, but here’s a live performance of a song from another release (not sure which one...) called, “My Friends”:
For fans of poppier Lungfish or Slint, mid-career Pavement, and Lo-Fi recordings in general, this will be a much appreciated addition to the music library. Definitely check it out, and feel free to comment.
They're now called Home Shake, new Montreal line-up, more stuff soon