A Good One for the New Year: Crippled Black Phoenix's "Time of Ye Life/Born for Nothing/Paranoid Arm of Narcoleptic Empire"
This is a nice one for the New Year. Crippled Black Phoenix was mentioned a few days ago; they're simply amazing. Their magnum opus track, "Time of Ye Life/Born for Nothing/Paranoid Arm of Narcoleptic Empire," which spans more than 18 minutes, was referenced as well. The track is worth a full listen. The first part features a spoken word track of Evel Knievel, who is giving an inspirational speech to a young crowd of listeners; CBP's musical accompaniment gives the speech a mysterious kind of aura and potency. The rest of the composition varies from loud moments of triumph to quiet points of eeriness, and yes, there is definite Floyd factor here. Give it a listen and see previous posting for further links....
Wow... That's beautiful. Have great year everyone. Peace.
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